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The following table shows all exercises in this book. Click the checkbox to the left to mark an exercise as complete.
Exercise | Section | Length | Text | |||||||||||||
Ex:AddContactTemplates | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (s) | Place the (You may be wondering if there's a way to avoid even the repetition of adding the reference to the template to all your tiddlers. The answer is yes, and we'll be getting there in a couple chapters.) |
Ex:AllFamilyInformation | Filters and Transclusions | (m) | Edit the
Tip: You'll need to use HTML for the inner bulleted list, as wikitext lists can't be interleaved successfully with As a reminder, to nest lists in HTML, put another |
Ex:AlphabeticallyLastDescription | Common Filter Operators | (M) | What is the alphabetically last description that any button on the editor toolbar uses? (The description is what shows up when you hover over the button, minus the indication of the keyboard shortcut. No cheating by hovering over every button!) You'll need some additional information for this one:
And here are two hints if you need them:
This one is intended to be a little bit above your level at the moment – we won't get to some of the concepts involved until chapter 6, Looking Under the Hood – so you might not be able to figure it out. But spend some time working on it before you look at the answer. |
Ex:BacklinksConditionalDisplay | Hiding and Showing Things | (m) | Update your template that displays a list of links and backlinks so that the list doesn't appear if there are no links or backlinks. |
Ex:BasicBacklinksList | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (m) | Create a tiddler called |
Ex:BasicLinksList | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (m) | Edit |
Ex:BasicWikitext | Journal Tiddlers | (m) | Edit the journal tiddler again by clicking the pencil icon in its upper-right corner, and add some boilerplate that uses the following types of formatting in the notes editor:
For the lists, block quotes, and code snippets, note that you need to have at least one blank line both above and below them to ensure everything displays correctly. We'll be learning more wikitext syntax as we go through the rest of the book. You can also refer to the Wikitext Reference appendix for a listing of the syntax you're most likely to want. That said, if you don't feel comfortable with what you've seen so far, you might consider doing this exercise a second time; if you feel uncomfortable using wikitext, it will be a major drag on your ability to accomplish more complicated things in TiddlyWiki. |
Ex:BulletedMeetingList | Your First Dynamic List | (m) | Modify the Hint 1: Remember that HTML code for creating a bulleted list? Hint 2: The contents of the list widget are rendered once for every tiddler output by the filter. Which parts of the HTML code for creating a list need to be used repeatedly, and which need to be used only once? |
Ex:ButtonDisplayTweaks | Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields | (M) | Our buttons don't display very nicely:
Correct these issues. You'll want to refer to an existing tiddler on the toolbar to see how each of these things is done. Tip: The fastest way to choose an icon from the set that comes with TiddlyWiki is to open the tag manager and pretend to pick an icon from the drop-down. Each icon shows its full tiddler name, so you can then use that name elsewhere. |
Ex:ButtonsOnPageToolbar | Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields | (m) | Add these new buttons (created in Ex:NewContactButton and Ex:NewMeetingButton) to the toolbar above the search box in the sidebar. This will require applying a tag to their tiddlers. |
Ex:BypassSecurityWithTextSubstitution | Text Substitution | (m) | Suppose that the following macro is being used to validate whether the user is authorized to access something:
Without looking up the password, figure out what you can fill in between the quotation marks in the macro call to bypass the password check. Check your answer by editing the live example above. |
Ex:CamelCaseKnowledgeTiddlers | Reviewing the Basics | (m) | Try changing the title of one of your knowledge tiddlers to not be in CamelCase (add some spaces to it, and/or change the capitalization).
Note: If you rename tiddlers often, the Relink plugin can update the links automatically. |
Ex:CanonicalUri | Images and Attachments | (m) | Select a contact you didn't add an image for above. Place an image for this contact in a folder called |
Ex:CaptionsByTag | Buttons and Input Widgets | (m) | Create a tiddler called
Note: You'll have to use raw HTML tables to get this to display correctly – wikitext tables don't work if you interrupt them with a
The equivalent wikitext table would be:
Ex:CarItems | Project Tiddlers | (M) | Suppose you have a tiddler Create the car tiddler in your example wiki and relate several items to it, using each of the four methods discussed in this section. What methods do you like best? |
Ex:CircularTransclusion | Transclusions | (s) | What happens if you transclude tiddler A into tiddler B, and tiddler B into tiddler A? |
Ex:CloseAndReopen | Journal Tiddlers | (s) | Close your new journal tiddler and open it again. |
Ex:ConditionalSetAt | Hiding and Showing Things | (m) | Repeat the previous exercise, but use a conditional |
Ex:ConditionalStyle | Stylesheets | (m) | Modify the tiddler containing |
Ex:ConstructorAfterFilterStep | Anatomy of Filter Steps | (m) | What do you think happens if you run the filter Check your answer by running the filter in TiddlyWiki, after ensuring that |
Ex:ContactCard | Miscellaneous Widgets | (m) | Create a tiddler called |
Ex:ContactInformationPicture | Images and Attachments | (M) | Edit the ContactInformationTemplate so that it tries to include a picture for each contact. If the tiddler name is, for example, Add an image for one of your contacts and confirm that everything displays as expected for contacts that have a picture and for contacts that do not. |
Ex:ContactList | Your First Dynamic List | (m) | Create a Tip: To create a new tiddler and start it with the contents of an existing tiddler, click the "more" drop-down on the existing tiddler's toolbar and choose Clone. |
Ex:ContactListNoPhoneExclusion | Your First Dynamic List | (m) | Modify the |
Ex:ContactRadioButtonQualification | Qualification | (m) | Return to the radio buttons we added to the ContactInformationTemplate in Ex:FamilyRadioButton to display the contact information of a family member of the contact. As written in the answer of that exercise, it is in need of a |
Ex:ContactTabs | Tabs | (s) | Create a set of tabs to show all contacts in the wiki. Take a look through the tabs – what isn't displaying right, and what might that mean? |
Ex:ContactsOnlyOnContacts | The View Template | (m) | Adjust the |
Ex:ContainingCurrentTiddler | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (m) | Suppose that in the
Modify your list widget to achieve this output. The output should continue to be correct if you copy and paste (or transclude) the list widget into a different tiddler – i.e., you cannot simply write |
Ex:CountWidgetReplacement | Miscellaneous Widgets | (m) | Go to the |
Ex:CreateMeetingTemplate | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (m) | Our meetings have two fields,
Obviously, your version should include the correct information for whichever tiddler the template is being transcluded into. Don't miss the space before the Transclude this template at the top of all your meeting tiddlers. |
Ex:CreateSystemTiddler | System Tiddlers | (s) | Create a new system tiddler, then close it and go locate it again. |
Ex:CreatedNowButton | Working with Dates | (m) | Make a button labeled Created Now that resets the |
Ex:CreatingBasicFilters | Using Filter Expressions | (M) | Write and test filter expressions for the following criteria:
Ex:CreatingLinkDivs | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (s) | Let's do a bit of formatting now. It probably will look better if the excerpt starts on a new line after the title, especially once we get this into two columns. An easy way to do that in HTML is to place the excerpt macro call in a In addition, let's wrap the Lastly, wrap the whole thing (both the Links and Backlinks sections) in one more div. Aside from the excerpts appearing on separate lines from the tiddler titles, you should not see any difference in output yet – we've merely made it possible to style with CSS. |
Ex:CreatingMoreFilters | Common Filter Operators | (m) | Compose and run filters to answer the following questions:
Ex:CurrentTiddlerAndListWidget | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (m) | In the section on dynamic lists, we used the value of the variable |
Ex:DateFormatter | Working with Dates | (M) | Create a tiddler called If the field chosen can't be interpreted as a date, the text Tip: The Here's an example of what it might look like: |
Ex:DefaultToField | Filters and Transclusions | (m) | Modify the template you created in Ex:WikipediaLinkTemplate so that if the
Ex:DontOverrideViewTemplateTag | The View Template | (m) | In Ex:MoveContactInformation, we edited the In this case, that's not the end of the world, since the tag contains no body text and it's relatively unlikely extra elements will be added to this list in a future version of TiddlyWiki (thus necessitating a manual merge if we want them to show up). However, suppose we want to be purists and avoid overriding a shadow tiddler unless absolutely necessary. How can we achieve the same effect without needing to override Delete the overridden shadow tiddler |
Ex:EditCurrentTiddler | Buttons and Input Widgets | (m) | The Look up the documentation for the |
Ex:EditTemplateInformation | The View Template | (m) | Add the tiddlers under |
Ex:EisVariable | Variables | (s) | In the tiddler above, define a second variable called |
Ex:EmptyAtField | Hiding and Showing Things | (m) | Update the |
Ex:EmptyMacroCall | Macros | (s) | Try calling a macro that doesn't exist (say, one called |
Ex:ExcerptConfigurationTiddler | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (m) | Make the size of the excerpt configurable via a configuration tiddler. Call the configuration tiddler |
Ex:ExploreSystemTiddlers | System Tiddlers | (m) | Take a few minutes to poke around in the Explorer section of the More sidebar tab and look into a few system tiddlers to see how they're organized. You can safely edit a system tiddler to look at its source if you like; just be sure to click the X button to discard changes when you're done. |
Ex:FamilyRadioButton | Miscellaneous Widgets | (m) | Add a series of radio buttons on the |
Ex:FilteredTelephoneLink | Using Variables in Macros | (m) | Repeat the previous exercise, but this time use a filter rather than a macro to combine the |
Ex:FixingContactTabs | Tabs | (m) | Fix the issue identified in the previous exercise, Ex:ContactTabs, so that all contacts display all information correctly. Hint 1: You'll need to create a template tiddler. You can specify the name of a template used to render each tab using the Hint 2: The If you get really stuck, read the TiddlyWiki documentation on the |
Ex:FriendlyViewsNames | Adding to the Sidebar | (m) | By default, all of the tabs will have ugly system-tiddler names on them, like |
Ex:FudgeAdviceReflection | Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents | (m) | Revisit the tiddler you created in the previous exercise.
Ex:FudgeAdviceTiddler | Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents | (s) | Suppose that, during our meeting, Jane gave us some advice about the company that probably shouldn't stray. We might want to put that in a separate tiddler to reduce the chance we accidentally copy and paste it over to someone else who asks what happened at the meeting. Create such a tiddler with the following text, and make it a child of the
Check the |
Ex:FudgeTiddlerRevisited | Creating Evergreen Notes | (s) | If you didn't do it while reading, go back to the fudge tiddler and give it appropriate tags and links. You can link to some nonexistent tiddlers if you like. |
Ex:FudgeTransclusion | Transclusions | (s) | Our initial motivation for extracting the now-infamous fudge tiddler from the All this is to say, transclude the fudge tiddler into the |
Ex:FudgeWithoutJane | Multi-Run Filters | (s) | Write a filter to find all tiddlers mentioning fudge that don't list Jane as a participant. Use two filter runs. |
Ex:FunnyClass | Stylesheets | (s) | Add |
Ex:FunnyTextCheckbox | Stylesheets | (m) | Add a checkbox to the control panel on a new subtab within the Settings tab called Styles, allowing this value to be toggled on and off, so the user can make text look funny only if they so desire. |
Ex:GoogleLink | HTML | (m) | In a new tiddler in your wiki, create a link to Google using HTML, with |
Ex:HolidayToday | Data Tiddlers | (m) | Create a tiddler called You may need to look at the documentation for the |
Ex:HostingOptions | Supplemental Exercises | (m) | Try out another option for hosting and saving your TiddlyWiki. |
Ex:IdentifyingRecentEvergreenNotes | Creating Evergreen Notes | (m) | Find some notes you've recently taken, in any format, and review them to see if there are any ideas that would be well served by being developed as evergreen notes. These might be part of a journal, annotations you made in a book, ideas for a project, or scribbles about a lecture you attended. Write down what contexts these ideas would belong in and what other ideas they would be related to. |
Ex:ImageHtml | HTML | (s) | What HTML element is used to insert an image? You may wish to search the web to find the answer. |
Ex:InputExistsText | Buttons and Input Widgets | (m) | Add a little bit of text to the right of the Hint: To quickly change the color of some text, you can wrap it with a span, like |
Ex:InspectSquare | When Things Go Wrong | (m) | Using your browser's element inspector, determine:
Ex:JaneDataTransclusion | Transclusions | (m) | One of the complaints we had about our Contact Tiddlers when we initially created them was that you couldn't see any of the fields on them without clicking on the info button. Remedy that by adding a section to the |
Ex:JaneDoeFamily | Reviewing the Basics | (m) | Visit Jane Doe's tiddler and review the family and manager fields. These fields refer to several people who don't have tiddlers yet. Create those tiddlers, with all the appropriate metadata. You can assume that John Doe and Emily Doe are also managed by Chris Smith (though managing three family members unrelated to you sounds like a disaster waiting to happen). Your choice of phone numbers and email addresses does not matter, provided they are in the correct formats. |
Ex:JaneManagerPhone | Transclusions | (M) | Transclude a line into the text of Jane's tiddler that contains Chris Smith's phone number, in case she messes up so badly that you need to contact her manager immediately. How would you make it so that it currently refers to Chris's phone number, but if the Hint: Use a macro. |
Ex:JaneMeetingList | Your First Dynamic List | (m) | Modify the |
Ex:JaneMeetingMultirun | Multi-Run Filters | (s) | Write a filter to find all meetings that are part of the |
Ex:JohnDoeInAnyField | Common Filter Operators | (m) | In an exercise in the Searching section, we noted that a search for |
Ex:JohnDoeSearch | Searching | (m) | Search for |
Ex:JsonHoliday | Data Tiddlers | (s) | Create another data tiddler called
Ex:JumpToTiddler | Buttons and Input Widgets | (m) | Create a tiddler Hint: One of the attributes of the |
Ex:LinkDivClasses | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (m) | One more step with the divs. In order to get them formatted correctly, we need to be able to identify each of them separately. The way we do this in HTML/CSS is by applying a class (that is, assigning a value to the |
Ex:LinkPattern | Your First Dynamic List | (m) | There's a problem with this pattern that we've been using throughout this section to create a list of links to tiddlers:
The problem is that if the name of the To explicitly create internal links, as we alluded to back in Widgets, we can use the
Add a space to the title of one of your meeting tiddlers, so you can see the problem, then modify the Hint: |
Ex:LinkedTiddlerExcerpt | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (m) | Add an excerpt for each link – in other words, grab the first 200 characters of each tiddler and show it under the title. This will help us remind us what the tiddler is about, if the title wasn't chosen carefully enough. We can accomplish this by wikifying the tiddler – that is, processing the HTML, transclusions, and wikitext in it as if we were displaying the tiddler – and then taking just the beginning portion of it. Here's a partially completed macro you can use to get an excerpt from a tiddler. Your task is to figure out what goes in the filter transclusion (to convert the full text of the tiddler to just its first 200 characters), then call the macro from an appropriate location.
Hint: The |
Ex:LinkingInTransclusions | Transclusions | (s) | In general, if we reference ChrisSmith in the Test this hypothesis by looking in the Backlinks tab of |
Ex:LiteralMatters | Wikification | (m) | Modify the answer to the previous exercise so that the value of the |
Ex:LookAtBrowseOptions | Browsing Your Tiddlers | (m) | If you haven't already done so, take a look at each of the tabs discussed above in your sample wiki. |
Ex:MacroAdjacency | Macros | (m) | Rather than create a macro for the first version of the Wikipedia link functionality, one might think we could simply use a variable and stick the variable reference immediately next to the article name:
Try putting this snippet in a tiddler. What happens? Why do you think this might happen? |
Ex:MacroCallAsParameter | The Finer Points of Macros | (m) | Rewrite the example in The The |
Ex:MacroPosition | Macros | (m) | Try referring to the |
Ex:MailMerge | Supplemental Exercises | (h) | Implement a mail merge in TiddlyWiki. Without writing JavaScript, you cannot actually send emails from TiddlyWiki, but you can produce a list of On the tiddler that implements the merge, you should be able to fill in fields that provide a filter for contact tiddlers you want to send the message to, and some kind of template tiddler that uses a variable or a setting of the current tiddler to substitute in values that change. You'll need to URL-encode the subject and body and put it into the link, which TiddlyWiki has a
…where both Warning: This is well known in the community as a complex task that demands excellent knowledge of macros, filters, transclusions, and how they relate. It is harder than it looks, and even experienced users will find it challenging. That said, it's a great final exercise after reading this book, and it feels good to crack it! Hint: You will need the |
Ex:MainSearchBoxBinding | Buttons and Input Widgets | (m) | Figure out what tiddler and field the main search box in the sidebar is bound to. |
Ex:MakeGlobalMacros | Global Macros | (m) | Find the Remove the original macro definitions from the individual tiddlers and try calling the macros from a few different tiddlers to make sure it works. |
Ex:ManagerField | Reviewing the Basics | (s) | We chose to use a field to keep track of employees' managers. List at least two other ways we could have chosen to do this, and some advantages and disadvantages of each. |
Ex:MeaninglessSuffix | Anatomy of Filter Steps | (m) | What happens if you add a suffix that doesn't have any meaning to a filter operator, such as |
Ex:MeetingInformation | The View Template | (s) | Put the |
Ex:MeetingListWithoutCurrentTiddler | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (s) | Modify the Hint: Try transcluding a field. |
Ex:MeetingOrdering | Ordering Tiddlers | (m) | Create several more meeting tiddlers under the |
Ex:MeetingOrderingByMacro | Ordering Tiddlers | (m) | Repeat the previous exercise using a |
Ex:MeetingsToday | Tabs | (M) | Create a tiddler named Don't worry if everything doesn't show up right – we'll talk about why that is and how to fix it in the exercises to follow. You're done with this exercise if you can get the correct set of tabs to appear in the list.
Ex:MethodsOfTransclusion | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (m) | Create a new tiddler called Tip: If the information about Jane ends up all in one line, try adding some blank lines to your wikitext. |
Ex:MoreSidebarTabs | Supplemental Exercises | (M) | Come up with some new sections that would be useful to have on the More sidebar tab and add them in. |
Ex:MoveContactInformation | The View Template | (m) | Move the contact information above the rest of the tiddler's body, rather than below it. |
Ex:MultipleTransclusion | Transclusions | (s) | What happens if you transclude a tiddler that contains transclusions? |
Ex:NamingConventionImagination | Naming Conventions | (m) | Identify a wiki you could imagine yourself creating, then write a set of naming conventions for it. These should include:
You can refer to the naming conventions for my Zettelkasten for an example. |
Ex:NamingOldNotes | Tiddler Titles | (m) | Dig up some old notes you've written for yourself, in any format, and identify:
Ex:NestedSets | Variables | (s) | Consider the following code:
What do you think happens at each reference to |
Ex:NewContactButton | Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields | (s) | Create a button that creates a new contact. The created tiddler should contain the four fields we've been using, |
Ex:NewMeetingButton | Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields | (m) | Create a similar button for a new meeting. The |
Ex:NewWiki | Supplemental Exercises | (h) | Create and customize a new wiki for some purpose, whether it's useful for you or not. Some ideas that might get you thinking about different ways to organize data:
Ex:NonexistentTiddlerFilter | Anatomy of Filter Steps | (m) | What do you think happens if you use the Check your answer by running a filter in TiddlyWiki. |
Ex:OnboardingPeopleFirst | Ordering Tiddlers | (s) | Use the |
Ex:PaletteInvestigation | Creating a List of Links and Backlinks | (m) | In the stylesheet I provided, you may have noticed there is a macro call: Find the definition of the |
Ex:PreserveSecurityWithTextSubstitution | Text Substitution | (s) | Change the filter in Ex:BypassSecurityWithTextSubstitution so that it is not vulnerable to this kind of manipulation. (Of course, the user could still just edit the tiddler and remove the authentication altogether. TiddlyWiki is not a suitable environment when users need to have limited access.) |
Ex:PrettyWikipediaLink | Macros | (m) | To create a pretty external link where the text differs from the URL, we can use the syntax |
Ex:ProblematicTiddlerNames | Naming Conventions | (m) | Explain what is potentially problematic about each of these tiddler names:
None of these are necessarily wrong – although they might be depending on your naming conventions – but they each exhibit a possible danger we discussed above. |
Ex:QualifyMultipleCalls | Qualification | (s) | What happens if you remove the |
Ex:QuotedMacroCall | The Finer Points of Macros | (s) | Take the example The $macrocall widget can take variables as parameters and modify it so that the inner macro calls are surrounded in quotation marks, like so:
What happens? Why do you think this happened? |
Ex:RaffapKnowledgeTiddler | Reviewing the Basics | (s) | Return to the Employee Information System tiddler and create a new knowledge tiddler for the Really Annoying Five-Factor Authentication Process. Use your imagination on what's involved! |
Ex:RaffapReflection | Reviewing the Basics | (m) | Review what you wrote about the RAFFAP.
Update what you wrote accordingly. |
Ex:ReadingDefaultMacros | Global Macros | (m) | Search for all tiddlers that currently contain global macros. Remember that most of these will be stored in shadow tiddlers, so you'll need to say you want to filter on shadow tiddlers to get any results. Spend a few minutes browsing through some of the tiddlers that come up and looking at some of the system macro definitions. You'll recognize some of the macros from previous chapters, and you should be able to understand a good portion of what's going on. There's no magic – the built-in macros are simply wrapping up some complicated HTML and widgets for us to use in a convenient way, just like we would do when writing our own macros. You'll have to edit each shadow tiddler to look at the definitions. Just click the discard-changes button when you're done so you don't mess anything up! |
Ex:RedATags | Multi-Run Filters | (m) | Write a filter to find all tiddlers that do not link to a tiddler that has a tag which is both red and begins with the letter C, sorted by title in reverse alphabetical order. Consider a “red” tag to be one with a color code of English is terrible at expressing complicated conditions like this, so to be sure you read it right, here's the sentence decomposed hierarchically and written more precisely:
Tip 1: The Tip 2: The A quick way to test your answer is to add a link from a tiddler that appears in the output to any contact; the tiddler should disappear from the list since it's now linking to a tiddler that has a red tag whose name begins with C. |
Ex:RedTagsFilter | Classifying Tags | (m) | Write a filter to find all tiddlers tagged with red tags. Make sure you figure out Ex:TagMetadataStorage first, or you won't have much luck. Hint: Review the Tags section of Common Filter Operators. |
Ex:RoundtimeMacro | JavaScript Macros | (M) | Create a JavaScript macro called |
Ex:RubberDucking | When Things Go Wrong | (m) | Locate a rubber duck or another appropriate object you can explain your TiddlyWiki problems to, and find the problem(s) with the following filter snippet by explaining to your chosen listener what it's doing. Check your answer by fixing the problem. The goal of this filter is to display, in alphabetical order, the summaries of all tiddlers in this chapter, which are stored in their
Filter error: Missing [ in filter expression |
Ex:SampleExercise | How to Use This Book | (m) | Search the web to find the name of TiddlyWiki's original developer. |
Ex:SearchExploration | Searching | (s) | Try searching for a few more tiddlers you've created, both with keywords found in the title and keywords found in the body text. |
Ex:SearchingInTransclusions | Transclusions | (s) | In an exercise in the previous chapter, we observed that tiddlers referenced in fields did not appear in search. Now, however, we have transcluded these fields directly into the JaneDoe tiddler. Try searching for some of the text again (e.g., |
Ex:SelectiveButtonDisplay | Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields | (m) | You may have noticed, as you completed the above exercise, that the list of items that have the page controls tag is quite a lot longer than the buttons that currently appear on the toolbar. Explore your wiki to figure out how the buttons are selectively shown or hidden. |
Ex:SelfTransclusion | Transclusions | (s) | What happens if you transclude a tiddler into itself? |
Ex:SetLetReplacement | Miscellaneous Widgets | (m) | Locate several places in your sample wiki where you have used |
Ex:SetVarsReplacement | Miscellaneous Widgets | (m) | Locate several places in your sample wiki where you have used |
Ex:SidebarCurrentTiddler | Adding to the Sidebar | (s) | You might be tempted to use |
Ex:Slicing | Slicing Up Content | (M) | Locate some old notes you've taken, or simply consider a topic or problem you've been thinking about recently. What are the important nouns in this topic? How would you divide it into tiddlers, what fields would they have, and how would they relate to each other? You can stub out a few tiddlers in your sample wiki, or simply sketch an outline of the tiddlers on a sheet of paper. |
Ex:SlicingInGtw | Slicing Up Content | (m) | Edit a few sections and tiddlers in the Grok TiddlyWiki wiki to get a feel for how it's divided into tiddlers and what fields are present on these tiddlers. Tiddlers are transcluded into other tiddlers using a syntax involving |
Ex:SpacedVariable | Variables | (s) | What happens if you put a space in a variable name? |
Ex:StretchText | Supplemental Exercises | (h) | StretchText, generally attributed to Ted Nelson, is a form of hypertext in which links, or summary snippets, can be expanded in place: in other words, you can “stretch” parts of the text that you want to see in more detail to zoom in on them. Implement stretch-text in TiddlyWiki using a template or macro that allows you to expand and contract a tiddler serving as the “next level down”. You can find an example and a TiddlyWiki implementation as the TiddlyStretch plugin in my list of cynical laws in my Zettelkasten. |
Ex:StylesheetExperiments | Supplemental Exercises | (M) | If you know a little bit of CSS, read about Stylesheets in TiddlyWiki and make some design changes to your wiki, like changing the text color or the shape of some buttons. |
Ex:SubstitutionBackporting | Text Substitution | (m) | Go back through some of the macros you have written for previous exercises in this chapter and see if you can find any opportunities to switch from text substitution to Tip: Try searching for the word |
Ex:TagColorGrouping | Supplemental Exercises | (m) | Modify the display of tags in the |
Ex:TagColoring | Classifying Tags | (s) | Set the tags corresponding to tiddler types ( |
Ex:TagMetadataStorage | Classifying Tags | (s) | How do you think the color and icon of tags are stored? |
Ex:TelephoneLink | Using Variables in Macros | (m) | Suppose we want to create a link for a contact which, when clicked on a smartphone, calls the contact. This can be accomplished with a link to a URL like If you want to use a
That's because |
Ex:TicketTrackingLink | The Finer Points of Macros | (m) | Write a macro called Test this macro by putting it at the top of the |
Ex:TicketTrackingTemplate | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (m) | In the TicketTrackingLink exercise, we created a macro that outputs a link to a ticket in the company's ticket-tracking system and placed it in the Tip: It may be helpful to get everything working within the |
Ex:TiddlersContainingWikiTitle | Filters and Transclusions | (m) | Create a list of all tiddlers that contain the title of the wiki.
Ex:TocAddition | Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents | (s) | Make up and create another meeting under one of the other subcategories, either |
Ex:TocCaptions | Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents | (s) | Having the word Fortunately for us, the table-of-contents functionality looks for a field called |
Ex:TocInternalExternalNav | Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents | (m) | There are two more (rarely used) kinds of tables of contents, |
Ex:TranscludedMacroScope | Templates and the Current Tiddler | (m) | In The Finer Points of Macros, we learned that the scope of a macro is until the end of the tiddler. But what about when we transclude a tiddler containing a macro into another tiddler? |
Ex:UnclosedMacroCall | The Finer Points of Macros | (m) | Take the example The $macrocall widget can take variables as parameters and modify it so that the |
Ex:UpdatingDisclaimer | Variables | (s) | Suppose that corporate decides it's time to update the disclaimer, and henceforth all documents need to say "doesn't" instead of "does not." Update the tiddler to make this change. Notice that, with the use of a variable, you need only make the change in one place, even if you included the disclaimer in hundreds of places. |
Ex:VariableAfterSet | Variables | (s) | What happens if you refer to a variable after the |
Ex:VariableTransclusion | Transclusions | (s) | What happens if you set a variable in one tiddler, and transclude a tiddler that references that variable within the scope of the
Ex:VeryOrdinaryDay | Data Tiddlers | (m) | The Hint 1: If you don't remember how to make some wikitext appear only if a condition is met, have another read through Text Substitution. Hint 2: An attribute called |
Ex:ViewSource | HTML | (m) | Try right-clicking on this web page and choosing “View Page Source” (this option might be called “View Frame Source” on some versions of TiddlyDesktop). This will show the HTML code behind the page. Scroll through some of it and see if you can find some tags and attributes, like we discussed above. In addition to HTML, you will find some JavaScript (a programming language for web browsers that uses a lot of {curly braces}), some CSS (a language that defines the colors, spacing, and fonts used on the site), some TiddlyWiki wikitext, and probably a few other mysterious things. When you see something you don't understand, just keep scrolling – you're not meant to understand it all, just to get a feel for how a website's HTML looks. For fun, go try this on a couple of other websites, too. |
Ex:ViewTemplateExplicitHide | Hiding and Showing Things | (m) | Change the ViewTemplate tiddler that displays the contact information template so that it does not display if the |
Ex:ViewTemplateExplicitHideReveal | Hiding and Showing Things | (m) | Repeat the previous exercise, but use a |
Ex:ViewsOnSidebar | Adding to the Sidebar | (m) | Place the new Hint: You'll have to figure out how TiddlyWiki picks up tabs on the sidebar. A little bit of detective work right within your wiki should be sufficient; we've seen all the relevant mechanisms by now. |
Ex:WikiStatistics | Filters and Transclusions | (M) | Create a tiddler called
To complete the last one, you'll need to review the list of Mathematics Operators on the filter operators manual page. |
Ex:WikifyWikipediaLink | Wikification | (s) | Add the following snippet to a new tiddler:
Alter this snippet so the contents of the |
Ex:WikipediaLinkSnippet | Stamps | (m) | Create a snippet Link to Wikipedia article that inserts a call to the |
Ex:WikipediaLinkTemplate | Filters and Transclusions | (m) | Make the solution of the previous exercise into a separate While you're at it, make this template more robust by getting the value |
Ex:WikipediaLinkWithoutMacro | Filters and Transclusions | (m) | In Ex:MacroAdjacency within the Macros section, we found that this attempt to use a simple variable instead of a macro to compose a Wikipedia link didn't work:
We now have the tools needed to accomplish this without a macro. Your solution should display a link to the Aardvark article which has been built from the