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 28th September 2024 at 7:31pm

We saw two different ways to create a function that multiplies its input by two, depending on whether we wanted to take the multiplicand as an input tiddler or as a parameter:

\function multiply-by-two(number) [<number>multiply[2]]
\function multiply-input-by-two [multiply[2]]

<<multiply-by-two 4>>
{{{ [[4]function[multiply-input-by-two]] }}}

Create a multiply-anything-by-two function that works in either of these roles. That is:

\function multiply-anything-by-two(??) ??

* {{{ [[4]function[multiply-anything-by-two]] }}} should equal 8.
* {{{ [function[multiply-anything-by-two],[4]] }}} should equal 8.

  • ?? should equal 8.
  • ?? should equal 8.

Go to answer: Ex:MultiplyByTwoTwoWays/answer