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Custom Widgets

 16th October 2024 at 7:28pm

The built-in widgets in TiddlyWiki are written in JavaScript. However, it's possible to define your own widgets, called custom widgets, using wikitext. What these widgets can do is, of course, more limited than what widgets that run arbitrary JavaScript can do, but they can accomplish a wide variety of useful tasks nevertheless.

Since they are just a way of wrapping up wikitext, there is little difference in principle between a custom widget and a transclusion of a template or a procedure. (In fact, a custom widget internally is a procedure, just one called using a different syntax.) In most cases, you can choose any of these features to reuse the same wikitext in multiple places. However, sometimes one syntax is more elegant than another.

Custom widgets are defined using the same pragma syntax as Procedures, Functions, and Macros, except that:

  • The word widget is used.
  • Like all widgets, your custom widget must have a name beginning with $.
  • The name of your custom widget must contain a dot (.). Unlike for function names, this is not an optional naming convention that allows shorter syntax, it is outright required. (There is one exception to this rule, which we'll discuss in the next chapter, in Overriding Built-In Widgets.)

Here's a very simple example:

\widget $format.bold-italics(text)

<$format.bold-italics text="Test text"/>

Test text

By default, custom widgets, like procedures and functions, are scoped to the tiddler in which they appear, and they can be (and most often are) made global in the same way as procedures, functions, and macros, by tagging their tiddler with $:/tags/Global.

Using the widget body

Typically, the main reason we want to use a custom widget rather than a procedure or a transclusion is to take advantage of a widget's ability to include large blocks of arbitrary wikitext, HTML, and widgets in its body, without requiring quoting. The widget's body automatically fills a slot called ts-raw, so we use the $slot widget to retrieve it:

\widget $format.bold-italics()
''//<$slot $name="ts-raw" />//''

Test text

Test text

(For more on the $slot widget, review Parameterizing Field Transclusions.)

As with built-in widgets, if we want the content of a widget to be in block mode, we need to put blank lines inside the opening and closing tags of our custom widget:


Test text rendered in block mode



Exercise: (m) [Ex:ContactQuote]

Write a $contact.quote widget that renders a blockquote for something somebody in your contacts said, given a body containing the quotation and a contact parameter containing the name of the contact's tiddler.

The widget should show a link to the person's tiddler, with text matching their name (taken from the caption field of the tiddler if it exists, or the title if it doesn't), then a colon, then starting on the next line a blockquote.

Tip: Use the <blockquote> HTML element, not one of the wikitext syntaxes – $slot doesn't play nice with wikitext formatting here.

go to answer


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↑ 6: Macros, Wikification, and Widgets