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 28th September 2024 at 7:31pm

You can add multiple clauses to a single conditional expression using <% elseif %>. First there must always be an <% if FILTER %>, then there can be zero or more <% elseif FILTER %>s, and finally there can optionally be an <% else %> clause. The first clause whose filter returns a result is used.

Suppose that you're in the 212 area code, and your office still uses landline phones. Within the ContactInformationTemplate, after the contact information list, show whether a call to this person will be local, long-distance, or toll-free, depending on their phone number.

You may assume that the area code is the first three characters of the phone field. Use the filter steps split[]first[3]join[] (turn each character in the input into a single tiddler name, then discard all but the first three, then join all the tiddler names into a single tiddler name) to select the first three characters of a single input tiddler.

Consider a number to be local if it's in the current area code, and to be toll-free if its area code is 800, 888, or 877. All other numbers are long-distance.

Store both the current area code and the list of toll-free area codes in tiddlers, called CurrentAreaCode and TollFreeAreaCodes, respectively, so that you can easily change these values in the future if necessary.

Go to answer: Ex:LocalCalls/answer