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edit {HTML} is a formatting language that underlies all web pages and a substantial number of desktop and mobile applications. HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit {Syntax} comprises the rules for producing correctly formed sentences or expressions in a natural or computer language. Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A {data} tiddler is one that stores a number of key-value pairs. Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A global procedure is one that is in a tiddler with what property? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A hard link is one that can be detected by {a superficial examination} of wikitext. Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A tiddler list field consists of a series of {tiddler titles} separated by spaces. Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A conditional expression is true if its filter returns {at least one result}. Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A custom widget is internally what other TiddlyWiki object? Custom Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A data tiddler's text field contains one or more {properties} (term for each item). Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A declaration beginning with a backslash at the beginning of a tiddler that explains how TiddlyWiki should read the rest of the tiddler is called a {pragma}. Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A filter expression consists of one or more filter {run}s. Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A filter operator that ignores its input is called a {constructor}. Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A filter run can be thought of as a {pipeline} (logistics/transportation metaphor), where each step processes its input and produces new output. Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A filter run consists of one or more filter {step}s. Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A function is a special kind of variable that contains a {filter expression}. Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A JavaScript macro should not have any {side effect}s when run. JavaScript Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A knowledge tiddler should be focused on a single {idea}. Tiddler Titles no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A phrase is in camel case when there are no {spaces} between words and the beginning of each word is {capitalized}. Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A plugin is a single tiddler that contains multiple {shadow} tiddlers (TiddlyWiki term for a type of tiddler). Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A procedure definition begins with what character of punctuation? Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A procedure definition that is more than one line long must be ended how? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A procedure that is accessible in any tiddler in the wiki is said to be in the {global scope}. Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A procedure that is accessible in only one tiddler is said to be in a {local scope}. Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A slot can be used with what type of transclusion? Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A soft link does not appear when looking for links in what way? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A substituted attribute value allows you to combine {constant text} and {the values of variables} into one attribute value. Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A text reference uses the same syntax as a {field transclusion}, but without the outer curly braces. Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A tiddler is being used as a template when you do what with it? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A tiddler is made up of a number of {fields}. Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A tiddler is said to be a system tiddler if what is true about it? System Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A tiddler that does not exist but has links pointing to it is said to be {missing}. Knowledge Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A tiddler titled MyFavoriteTiddler appears in a table of contents as A tiddler I don't like very much. Why does the title not match? Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A variable has what two parts? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit A variable is one way to define some wikitext in {c1::one} place and use it in {c1::many places}. Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Action widgets are most commonly triggered by what other widget? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Add a $text widget to the following line so the result of the filter isn't a link: There are {{{ [count[]] }}} non-shadow tiddlers in this wiki. Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Always/Sometimes/Never: It is OK to transclude a tiddler that itself transcludes other tiddlers. Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Always/Sometimes/Never: When you put a {{transclusion}} somewhere within the body of a tiddler, the wikitext at the other end of the transclusion will be wikified. Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit An attribute of an HTML element is found within what part of the element? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit An HTML element placed inside another HTML element is said to be {nested} within the outer HTML element. HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Before adding a tag, make sure you can identify a situation where you would {use the tag} to find something or make a decision about the tiddler. Knowledge Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Call the function .multiply-by-two in a filter expression, with the parameter 4, using the shortcut syntax. Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Call the function multiply-by-two in a filter expression with a single parameter 4, using the function operator. Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit CamelCase linking can be turned off for a specific tiddler using what pragma? CamelCase no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Conditional expressions are based on {filters} (TiddlyWiki concept). Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Data tiddlers can be in what two formats? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Define a custom widget $italicize.text that renders its body in italics. Custom Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Describe a situation in which you would need to use the qualify macro (try to pick a new one). Qualification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Dividing content into tiddlers should be done based on what type of boundaries? Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Dynamic lists use a {filter} (TiddlyWiki concept) to decide what items to include in the list. Your First Dynamic List no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Even core UI elements like the search box store their contents where? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Every time TiddlyWiki displays a tiddler in the story river, it uses a {template} (TiddlyWiki concept) to determine what the tiddler should look like. The View Template no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain how a WYSIWYM editor differs from a WYSIWYG editor. Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain how notes are used for reference (one of their three functions). Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain how notes can create serendipity (one of their three functions). Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain how notes help you integrate information (one of their three functions). Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain the difference between a hard link and a soft link. Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain the difference between an internal link and an external link. Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain the difference between the behavior of the [is[shadow]] and [all[shadows]] filter runs. Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain the difference in meaning between these two transclusions: (1) {{A||B}} (2) {{A|B}} Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain the process TiddlyWiki uses to ensure the screen is up to date after a tiddler is changed. Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain the relationship between tiddler lists and filter expressions. Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain when TiddlyWiki uses the view template. The View Template no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain why associating tiddlers with one another is particularly critical in TiddlyWiki compared to other notes systems. Structuring Our Wiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Explain why tiddlers can be in multiple places within one hierarchy. Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit For a template to be useful, it should transclude or refer to what? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit For editor keyboard shortcuts to work, such as those that insert italic markup, where must your cursor be positioned? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit From which of the following places are system tiddlers hidden by default? Select all that apply.
The Explorer section of the More sidebar tab; the standard search bar; filters; the All section of the More sidebar tab
System Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Full-text search can only help you use notes in which one of Grok TiddlyWiki's functions of notes? Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of a field you might use on a tiddler describing a book (try to pick a new one). Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of a full-text search that yields a false negative, including both the phrase you search for and the reason it doesn't work (try to pick a new example). Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of a piece of information you might put in a tiddler field (try to pick a new one). Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of a situation in which you might want to create a dynamic list of tiddlers (try to pick a new one). Your First Dynamic List no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of a time when you might want to use a table of contents to create a small hierarchy within a larger set of notes (try to pick a new one). Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of a type (classification) of tiddler you might invent in a TiddlyWiki that stores recipes and other cooking notes (try to pick a new one). Structuring Our Wiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of an HTML tag (try to pick a new one). HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of something you might choose to store in a data tiddler (try to pick a new one). Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of something you might define a global procedure to do (try to pick a new one). Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of when you might want to transclude a field in block mode (try to pick a new one). Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Give an example of when you might want to transclude a field in inline mode (try to pick a new one). Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Given a procedure called myactions with no parameters that generates some action widgets, write wikitext for a button labeled Act that triggers those action widgets. Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Given a procedure defined with \procedure myProcedure(x, y), how can you use a double-angle-bracket procedure call <<myProcedure>> with x="1" and y="2", placing the parameter y first in the procedure call? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Given a tag tiddler T with list A B C, and a tiddler D also tagged T with a list-before field set to B, what order do the tiddlers tagged by T appear in? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Given a variable url containing the URL of Google, create a link to Google whose text is Search the web. Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How are field names usually capitalized? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How are fields other than text stored within tiddler files in a folder wiki? Writing Shell Scripts Against a TiddlyWiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How are tiddlers containing binary data (e.g., images) stored in a folder wiki? Writing Shell Scripts Against a TiddlyWiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How are tiddlers stored in a folder wiki (the format used by the Node.js version of TiddlyWiki)? Writing Shell Scripts Against a TiddlyWiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can namespacing your tiddlers limit your thinking if the technique is used inappropriately? Naming Conventions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can widgets be distinguished from HTML tags in wikitext? Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you display a PDF within another tiddler? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you easily display some text or widgets only if a specific tiddler cannot be transcluded (e.g., because it does not exist)? Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you provide fallback content to the $transclude widget to be used if the tiddler field it specifies does not exist? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you provide fallback content to the $view widget to be used if the tiddler field it specifies does not exist? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you quickly display an image that is part of your wiki within another tiddler if you don't need to adjust its size or other parameters? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you reopen tiddlers that you recently edited and then closed? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you reorder the tiddlers currently displayed in the story river? Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you tell that a link points to a tiddler that does not yet exist? Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you tell that a particular widget is an action widget? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you use a rubber duck to help solve your TiddlyWiki problems? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How can you use the $list widget to display some content only if a condition is true? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do the results of the filter runs [is[system]] and [!is[system]] differ? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do we describe the properties of a noun in TiddlyWiki? Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you add a tooltip to a button? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you escape the word CamelCase, so that it does not turn into a link when camel-case linking is on? CamelCase no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you get a tiddler to appear as a tab in the sidebar? Adding to the Sidebar no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you make the procedures in a tiddler accessible in every tiddler in the wiki? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you make the procedures in all tiddlers with the tag MyTwProcedures available in a particular tiddler? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you mark a tiddler as a data tiddler of the TiddlyWiki dictionary type? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How do you open the control panel in a stock TiddlyWiki? Tweaking Your Settings no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How does a draft tiddler store the name of the tiddler it is a draft of? Getting the Current Tiddler Right on Drafts no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How does TiddlyWiki deal with multiple action widgets associated with the same button? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How does TiddlyWiki order a tagged tiddler A if it is listed in the tag tiddler T's list field, but A also has a list-before field? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How does TiddlyWiki order the tagged tiddlers A and B if they are missing from the list field of the tag tiddler T? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How does TiddlyWiki's method of storing shadow tiddlers differ from its method of storing normal tiddlers? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How is the text field stored within a tiddler file in a folder wiki? Writing Shell Scripts Against a TiddlyWiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How is the current tiddler affected by a $list widget (by default, unless you specify otherwise)? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How many pipe characters are used when specifying a link with different displayed text and target? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How many pipe characters are used when specifying a template transclusion? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How would you change the following procedure definition to supply a default value red for the parameter color?: \procedure coloredText(text, color) The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How would you load procedures found in all tiddlers that begin with the letter W into the context of the current tiddler? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How would you place a tiddler named My Tiddler in a list field, since it contains a space and tiddlers are separated by spaces in list fields? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit How would you use the old $macrocall syntax to call a macro named mymacro with the parameter param1=value1? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If a filter operator myop accepts multiple parameters, one and two, and has no suffix, what does the resulting filter step look like? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If a filter operator myop accepts multiple suffixes, one and two, and a single parameter param, what does the resulting filter step look like? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If a filter run does not begin with a constructor, what are the input tiddlers of the first step in the run? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If a noun phrase seems insufficiently precise for titling a tiddler, try using a {claim} (type of statement) instead. Tiddler Titles no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If a tiddler called MyButton is part of the page controls, what tiddler controls whether it is visible above the search box? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If the tiddler Soren has a tag Person, the tiddler Person is said to be {tagging} the tiddler Soren. Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you are creating a plugin called MyPlugin, and your file is in the folder /home/alice/myplugin-wiki, in what folder should you place the tiddlers that make up your plugin? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you are in inline mode within some wikitext, how do you re-enter block mode prior to a block-mode element such as a list? Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you are looking at a tag in TiddlyWiki's interface, how can you obtain a list of all tiddlers with that tag? Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you become frustrated at a TiddlyWiki problem, what is the fastest way to get back on track? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you change a JavaScript macro and the changes do not seem to be applying, what did you most likely forget? JavaScript Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you create a new tiddler using the _canonical_uri field and the content doesn't appear when you save the tiddler, but you're sure the path to the file is correct, what did you likely forget? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you ever find yourself unsure how something works, try creating a/n {experiment} that will answer your question. When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you have a folder on your computer called attachments located in the same folder as your TiddlyWiki file, what wikitext syntax do you use to display the image.png image in that folder in a tiddler? (Do not make the image a tiddler in your wiki.) Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you have a tag tiddler T and two tiddlers with that tag A and B, what is the effect of populating the list field of T with B A? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you need to attach many images or other files to your single-file wiki, what approach should you take to avoid your wiki becoming too large? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you need to take a break from learning TiddlyWiki, what should you do to avoid forgetting what you've learned in Grok TiddlyWiki? How to Use This Book no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you write a procedure definition and the definition literally appears in the output (i.e., you see \procedure something in the rendered tiddler), what did you probably forget? Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit If you're unsure whether your wikitext markup is correct, how can you quickly check it without saving the tiddler? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In \procedure wikipediaLink(articleName), the part (articleName) is called the {parameter list} of the procedure. Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In a data tiddler formatted as a dictionary, how would you write the key-value pair where k was the key and v was the value? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In a data tiddler, the key by which the value of a property is retrieved is called a/n {index}. Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In a dominant append, TiddlyWiki does what to tiddlers that are already in the accumulated results? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In a filter expression, you can include spaces between filter {runs} but not between filter {steps}. Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In a filter expression, you create an OR condition how? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In block mode, elements are stacked {vertically} (vertical/horizontal). Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In HTML, a void element is one that has only a/n {c1::opening tag} and no {c1::closing tag}. HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In HTML, how do you display an image that's stored at the URL Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In HTML, what differentiates the syntax of an opening tag from that of a closing tag? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In HTML, what special thing happens if you put multiple spaces or newlines in a row? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In HTML, what syntax distinguishes a self-closing tag from a normal one? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In HTML, what tag can you use to create an explicit line break? Your First Dynamic List no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In inline mode, elements are stacked {horizontally} (vertical/horizontal). Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In many TiddlyWiki views, such as the Explorer section of the More tab of the sidebar, how can you distinguish shadow tiddlers that have not been overridden from normal tiddlers? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In our sample TiddlyWiki, how did we classify tiddlers based on the type of content in them (e.g., journal, contact, project)? Structuring Our Wiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the context of evergreen notes, what is a retrieval context? Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the context of full-text search, what is a false negative? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the context of full-text search, what is a false positive? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the context of HTML tags, what are the characters < and > collectively called? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the context of TiddlyWiki, what is the character ` called? Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the filter step field:participants[Jane], what is the operator? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the filter step field:participants[Jane], what is the parameter? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the filter step field:participants[Jane], what is the suffix? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the HTML element <div style="text-align: center;">Centered text!</div>, what is the style="text-align: center;" part called? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the transclusion {{MyTiddler!!myfield}}, the part MyTiddler!!myfield is called what? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the UTC-5 timezone, what date does the TiddlyWiki timestamp 20181210015823551 represent? Meeting Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In the wikitext syntax {{JaneDoe||ContactInformationTemplate}}, which tiddler is being transcluded? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In TiddlyWiki, everything is {a tiddler}. Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In TiddlyWiki, tags are a special kind of {link} to another tiddler. Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In TiddlyWiki, why is it a good idea to prefix your CSS class names with your initials or some similar prefix? Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In what case does the name of a custom widget not need to contain a .? Overriding Built-In Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In what circumstances will a shadow tiddler provided by a plugin be ignored? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In what common context is the currentTiddler variable not defined at all? Adding to the Sidebar no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit In what part of TiddlyWiki's interface can you quickly test a filter expression? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Inline stylesheets are not {scoped to} the tiddler containing them. Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit It's better for tiddlers to indicate that they're {c1::a part of a whole}, rather than the whole listing {c1::all of its parts}. Project Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit It's helpful to be {consistent} when structuring a TiddlyWiki so that we don't struggle to find things that don't match conventions later. Structuring Our Wiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit JavaScript macros are unable to access what objects? JavaScript Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Lean towards relating two tiddlers with a tag if one is {part of} the other, and towards relating them with a link if one is merely {related to} the other. Knowledge Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Linking is often a more effective way to build a list of references to a person, object, or concept than full-text search because search, unlike links, is subject to both {c1::false positive}s and {c1::false negative}s. Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Make the following wikitext appear to say that the password is "purple" when it's rendered, by inserting a comment: The password is "purple elephant". Comments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Modify this transclusion to pass two values, A and B, as parameters: {{Sn:Hi}} Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Most of the options for browsing lists of tiddlers in your wiki can be found where in TiddlyWiki's interface? Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Multiple HTML attributes on a single element are separated by what character of punctuation? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Notes should be placed only in contexts in which they may actually be {useful} in the future. Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Notes that are placed in a retrieval context, are related to many other ideas, and are continually updated as more information comes available can be called {evergreen} notes. Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Placing a procedure inside another procedure is called {nesting} procedures. Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Plugins are typically distributed in what kind of container? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Plugins, since they are typically used to add functionality to TiddlyWiki, usually contain primarily {system} tiddlers (TiddlyWiki term for a type of tiddler). Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Procedures, unlike variables, allow you to eliminate repetitive text where each occurrence of the repetitive text has some elements that {are different}. Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Put the following filter concepts in order from largest to smallest: filter step, filter expression, filter run. Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Putting a variable's name between double angle brackets <<>> where you want its value to appear is called {transcluding the variable's value}. Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Rule of thumb for dividing tiddlers: a tiddler should not get so large that {it doesn't fit on your screen without scrolling}. Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Rule of thumb for dividing tiddlers: create more tiddlers than {you think you should}. Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Suggest a way to relate a meeting to a project (try to pick a new one). Project Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Templates behave like {lenses}, objects that modify the way we see other objects. Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Temporary tiddlers typically use what naming convention? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Text substitution occurs only within what type of variable? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Text written in a raw markup language may be referred to as {source} text. Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The {broken windows} theory (sociology term) of notes: when your notes are wrong or out of date, you are discouraged from using or updating the notes, producing a spiral of decay. Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The Recent tab of the sidebar shows those tiddlers that have been {changed} recently. The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The \parameters pragma is a shortcut for a {$parameters widget}. Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The $reveal widget displays its contents only if a specified {c1::field} matches a {c1::value}. Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The $view widget differs from the $transclude widget in that it does not {wikify} the contents of the field it is accessing. Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The qualify macro is needed when storing the state of a template in what kind of tiddler? Qualification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The qualify macro is usually not needed when storing state used on a template where? Qualification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The built-in table-of-contents features in TiddlyWiki find hierarchies based on what TiddlyWiki concept? Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The color scheme used by a TiddlyWiki is called its {palette}. Tweaking Your Settings no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The content of tiddlers is written in a markup language called {wikitext}. Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The entire interface of TiddlyWiki is built by {transcluding} a series of special tiddlers. System Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The left side of TiddlyWiki's interface, showing the tiddlers that are currently open, is called the {story river}. The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The part of an HTML document between an opening tag and its matching closing tag, not including the tags, is called the element's {content} (starts with C). HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The part of an HTML document between an opening tag and its matching closing tag, including the tags themselves, is called a/n {element}. HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The parts of a procedure's output that change depending on how the procedure is called are known as {c1::parameters}. Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The process of turning the source of a markup language into output is called {rendering}. Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The self-closing tag <li /> is shorthand for what HTML? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The set of links to a specific tiddler from anywhere in the wiki are called that tiddler's {backlinks}. Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The story river shows the {tiddlers} in your wiki which are currently open. The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The strings of text <ul> and </li> are examples of HTML {tag}s. HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The template used to describe how to format a date in TiddlyWiki is often known as a {format string}. Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The TiddlyWiki interface is divided into two sections: the {story river} on the left, and the {sidebar} on the right. The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The TiddlyWiki table-of-contents features display the value of the {caption} field instead of the tiddler's title, if such a field exists. Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The two modes TiddlyWiki uses when reading wikitext are {block} mode and {inline} mode. Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The two attributes used in the most basic form of the $set widget are {c1::name} and {c1::value}. Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The value of a field transclusion comes from a specified {field} of a tiddler. Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The values of HTML attributes must be placed within quotation marks when what is true? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit The various choices offered by a $select widget are defined using what nested HTML element? Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Tiddler titles are a form of {metacommentary}, a way of commenting on the claims or ideas in the tiddler and explaining what to think about them. Tiddler Titles no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Tiddlers are used to model {nouns} (language metaphor). Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Tiddlers that are currently being edited are called {drafts}. Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Tiddlers that have not been linked to in the text field of any other tiddler are called {orphans}. Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit TiddlyWiki filters serve a similar function to {formulas} in Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit TiddlyWiki plugins are usually developed using what external helper software? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit TiddlyWiki's core code is contained in what type of single tiddler? Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit TiddlyWiki's formal name for the syntax used by conditional expressions is the {conditional shortcut syntax}. Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit TiddlyWiki's power is directly proportional to the amount of care you put into {linking together / relating} ideas. Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit To decide whether a note should be turned into an evergreen note, ask yourself whether you want the note to {outlive the day}. Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit To make an external link created with an <a> HTML tag look the same as one created in wikitext, what attribute must you add to the tag? Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit To remove a tiddler from the list of orphans, another tiddler must link to it within what field? Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit To use the shortcut syntax for calling a function within a filter pipeline (treating it like an operator), what must be true of the function's name? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Tools that read HTML try to be {generous} in what they accept (philosophy for handling mistakes). HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Transclude the description field of the tiddler ContactInformationTemplate using a $transclude widget. Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Transclude the text field of the tiddler ContactInformationTemplate using a $transclude widget. Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Transclude the tiddler A through the template B, passing parameter C, using the brace syntax. Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Transclude the tiddler X, filling its statement slot with Y. Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Turning what would otherwise be functional wikitext into a comment temporarily, preventing it from appearing in the output, is called {commenting out} that wikitext. Comments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Use list-links-draggable (a built-in procedure) to allow the list field on the My Tiddler tiddler to be reordered. Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Use a $transclude widget to achieve the same effect as the following wikitext: <<wikipediaLink name:"Aardvark">> The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Use a $transclude widget to transclude the tiddler Hi with the parameter name set to Emily. Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Using / transcluding a procedure is referred to as {calling} it. Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Using the concept of inline mode, explain why opening italics with // and never closing them results in the remainder of the tiddler turning into a single paragraph. Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Using the concept of rendering modes, explain why you must leave a blank line between a paragraph and a bulleted list in TiddlyWiki. Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Variable names cannot contain what common character of text? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What action widget can be used to log the values of variables to your browser console when a button is pressed? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What action widget creates a message? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What additional attribute must be supplied to the $view widget when choosing format="date"? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What are the input tiddlers to the filter step tag[Person] in the filter run [tag[Person]]? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What are the names and functions of the first two parameters to tabs? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What are the output tiddlers to the filter step tag[Person] in the filter run [tag[NeedsUpdate]tag[Person]]? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What aspect of a website is CSS responsible for controlling? Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute and value passed to the $edit-text widget causes it to accept only a single line of text? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute and value passed to the $view widget causes it to format a field as a date? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute can you add to the $button widget to make the button appear like a link? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of a $button widget do you use to specify action widgets that it can trigger? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of the $button widget allows you to make the button open and navigate to a specific tiddler? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of the $edit-text widget allows you to choose what tiddler field the text box edits? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of the $edit-text widget allows you to choose what tiddler the text box edits? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of the $list widget allows you to display some content if there are zero results from the filter? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of the $list widget causes it to place the title of the output tiddler being processed in a variable other than currentTiddler? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What attribute of the $transclude widget is used to supply the name of a procedure to call/transclude? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What basic TiddlyWiki concept is used to define hierarchies of tiddlers? Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What behavior does this snippet exhibit that you might not expect? <$text text={{{ [tag[Meeting]] }}}/> Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What built-in macro allows you to drag and drop tiddlers that appear in a list field of a tiddler to reorder them? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What built-in procedure/macro allows you to create a set of tabs, like those in the sidebar? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What built-in procedure/macro allows you to get today's date? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What built-in procedure/macro creates a bulleted list of links to tiddlers that match a filter? Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What built-in TiddlyWiki template controls what appears when you edit a tiddler in the story river? The View Template no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What character can you place before a filter operator to negate its meaning? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What color is a purple cow? TestyTest no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What confusion may result if you don't have consistent rules for how to capitalize the titles of tiddlers? Naming Conventions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What does CSS stand for? Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What does the error Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget suggest is wrong? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What drawback do slots have in terms of flexibility compared to parameters or variables? Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What editor keyboard shortcut saves the changes to a tiddler and exits edit mode? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What effect does placing a procedure inside another procedure have on the names made available in the surrounding scope? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What exception does TiddlyWiki add to the standard rules of HTML whitespace? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What field of a tiddler do you set to change the wording displayed on a tab rendered with the tabs macro? Adding to the Sidebar no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What field of a tiddler do you use to reference it from elsewhere in the wiki? Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What field on each tiddler contains a special tiddler list used to order any tiddlers tagged by that tiddler? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What field transclusion is equivalent to the variable reference <<currentTiddler>>? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What file at the root of a plugin's folder contains metadata about the plugin? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter constructor retrieves all shadow and non-shadow tiddlers? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter expression selects all tiddlers that are tagged Project? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter expression will display only shadow tiddlers that you have overridden? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator adds a string of text to the end of each of its inputs? Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator calls a function with an arbitrary name and places its results in the filter pipeline? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator finds the names of all the fields used on the input tiddlers? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator finds tiddlers with dates that are before or after a specific time? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator is often used with conditionals based on the $list widget to ensure the contents of the widget doesn't get displayed more than once? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator outputs all the tiddlers that are linked within the text field of its input tiddlers? Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator outputs all the tiddlers that link to its input tiddlers? Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator outputs all tiddlers in the wiki that are tagged by one of its input tiddlers? Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter operator retrieves the value at a given index from its input data tiddlers? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter step checks if the input tiddler is a draft tiddler? Getting the Current Tiddler Right on Drafts no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter step removes all system tiddlers from consideration? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What filter step using the all operator constructs one output tiddler, the title of the current tiddler? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What four attributes of $set are used to make its value conditional on whether a filter has results? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What four basic HTML elements are used to construct tables? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you add a suffix to a filter operator that doesn't support suffixes? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you call a function or procedure that's defined after the current one in a tiddler's wikitext? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you call a procedure that doesn't exist? Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you delete a tiddler that is overriding a shadow tiddler? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you leave digits out of a TiddlyWiki timestamp? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you put an action widget in a tiddler by itself, rather than within a triggering widget? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you refer to a variable that does not exist with wikitext like <<nonexistentVariable>>? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens if you use a closing tag for an HTML void element within a tiddler? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens to the current tiddler while TiddlyWiki reads the transclusion {{||JaneDoe}} within the tiddler ContactList? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens to the current tiddler while TiddlyWiki reads the transclusion {{EmilyDoe||JaneDoe}} within the tiddler ContactList? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What happens to the current tiddler while TiddlyWiki reads the transclusion {{JaneDoe}} within the tiddler ContactList? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What HTML element creates a row when used within a <table> element? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What HTML element creates a table cell when used within a <tr> element? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What HTML element creates a table header cell when used within a <tr> element? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What HTML element creates a table? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What HTML element is used for a generic grouping of elements? Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the basic unit of information in TiddlyWiki called? Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the best way to create opportunities for reuse of content in TiddlyWiki? Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the colored ellipse around a tag's name in TiddlyWiki called? Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the fastest way to import an image into your TiddlyWiki? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the keyboard shortcut to open Advanced Search? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the most common cause of the error message Filter error: Missing [ in filter expression? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the most common way to install a plugin in TiddlyWiki? Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the name of the tiddler field that stores the tiddler's main content? Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the primary benefit of reducing repetition in wikitext using variables, compared to copying and pasting the wikitext? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the primary purpose of filters? Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the primary reason you would want to use list-before and list-after rather than directly editing the list field of a tiddler? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the purpose of a stamp? Stamps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the shortest filter expression that selects the single tiddler My Tiddler? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the simplest way to pass a parameter whose value contains both "double quotes" and 'single quotes' to a procedure? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the syntax to text-substitute a variable (not a parameter) called myVariable in the definition of a macro? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the toolbar at the top of the sidebar called? The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the toolbar in the upper-right corner of each tiddler when viewing it called? The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax for bold text? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax for italic text? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax for monospace text applied to a few individual words? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to call a procedure myProcedure with two parameters, Aardvark and Blue Baboon? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to call the procedure wikipediaLink with the single parameter Aardvark? Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to create a block quote that spans multiple lines? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to create a bulleted list? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to create a code (monospaced) block with multiple lines? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to create a link to Google ( with the link text a search engine? Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to create a numbered list? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to create a second-level section heading called Section? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to define a procedure myProcedure with no parameters? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to define a single-line procedure myProcedure with three parameters, a, b, and c? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to link to a tiddler called My Tiddler? Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to link to a tiddler called MyTiddler, with the link text my text? Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to transclude the result of the filter [tag[Contact]count[]]? Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to transclude the value at index X from a data tiddler DataStore? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is the wikitext syntax to transclude the value of a variable named myvar? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is unusual about the list field in a file? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is wrong with this comment?: <!-- here is an <!-- especially commenty --> comment. --> Comments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is wrong with this procedure call?: <$transclude $variable="wikipediaLink" articleTitle="Philosophy"> The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What is wrong with this procedure call?: <$transclude variable="wikipediaLink" articleTitle="Philosophy"/> The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What keyboard shortcut puts the focus in the main search box? Searching no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What keyboard shortcut, while editing a tiddler, toggles the side-by-side preview function? Journal Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What kind of link does not represent a relationship between two tiddlers when placed in a tiddler's text field? Links no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What kind of widget makes something happen in the wiki, rather than displaying something? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What kind of wiki maintenance becomes more challenging when you have many overridden shadow tiddlers? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What limitation is placed on JSON documents being used as data tiddlers? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What macro creates a name that is unique among all places the call to the macro is transcluded? Qualification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What macro retrieves the current date and time and displays it in your chosen format? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What major and unexpected difference is there between the effect of {{JaneDoe}} and <$transclude $tiddler="JaneDoe"/>? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What manipulations to tiddlers are carried out when you save (or confirm) changes to a tiddler? Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What mechanism can you use to style tiddlers with a particular tag differently from others? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What mechanism does TiddlyWiki use to back most of the settings in the Control Panel, making it easy to restore the original settings if needed? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What mechanism does TiddlyWiki's view template use to enable users to easily add additional components? The View Template no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What mechanism would you likely use to display some template on all tiddlers? The View Template no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What message creates a new tiddler and opens it for editing in the story river? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What method of hosting a TiddlyWiki does not suffer issues when many images are added to the wiki? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What must you do after adding or editing a JavaScript macro for the changes to take effect? JavaScript Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What named slot contains the body of a custom widget? Custom Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What naming technique may help organize a large number of tiddlers of the same type or on the same topic? Naming Conventions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What parameter do you add to tabs to show tabs vertically instead of horizontally? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What parameters does the $log widget take? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What parameters does the qualify macro have? Qualification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What parameters does the tm-new-tiddler message accept? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What pattern can be used to allow logic depending on the name of the current tiddler to function in a side-by-side preview? Getting the Current Tiddler Right on Drafts no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What pragma is used to define a custom widget? Custom Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What pragma is used to define a macro? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What pragma is used to give a field/tiddler parameters? Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What pragma makes procedures that aren't global accessible in another tiddler? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What prefix can you add to a filter run to AND it with the accumulated results of previous runs? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What prefix can you add to a filter run to ignore it unless the accumulated results are empty? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What prefix can you add to a filter run to inhibit dominant appending and allow duplicate values in the list? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What prefix can you add to a filter run to remove all outputs of this run from the accumulated results? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What restriction is placed on the location of pragmas, such as \procedure, within a tiddler? Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What section of the sidebar is usually the best way to browse for system tiddlers? System Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What special behavior do tiddlers whose names begin with $:/temp have? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What string of characters begins a comment in HTML or wikitext? Comments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What string of characters ends a comment in HTML or wikitext? Comments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What suffix to the search operator causes it to find matches in any field of a tiddler? Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What suffix to the search operator causes it to find matches in either the title or text field of a tiddler? Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What syntax (quasi-HTML tag pair) starts and ends a conditional expression? Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What syntax allows transcluding a filter expression as part of the value of an attribute? Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tag causes a button to appear in the page toolbar? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tag do you add to a conditional expression to evaluate another filter, only if no previous filter in the set of filters has returned a result? Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tag do you add to a conditional expression to render some wikitext only if none of the previous filters returned a result? Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tag do you add to a tiddler to make it available for insertion as a stamp? Stamps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tag is used to make a tiddler part of the global stylesheet in a wiki? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tag was the equivalent of $:/tags/Global in older versions of TiddlyWiki, and is still around? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What technique can you use to trace which part of some complicated wikitext is having a problem, without having to break the wikitext apart into smaller pieces? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What three components make up a filter step? Anatomy of Filter Steps no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What three functions does Grok TiddlyWiki say notes have? (in alphabetical order) Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What three widgets/HTML elements must be nested together to produce a drop-down list with dynamically chosen elements in TiddlyWiki? Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What TiddlyWiki concept allows tiddlers to appear within other tiddlers? Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What TiddlyWiki Node.js command will create a single-file wiki from a folder wiki? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What TiddlyWiki Node.js command will start a local web server so you can edit the wiki in the current folder? Creating Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What TiddlyWiki object populates each tab produced by tabs? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What TiddlyWiki tool allows you to customize the colors and icons of tags? Classifying Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What time should you set a TiddlyWiki timestamp to if you care only about the date? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What time zone are TiddlyWiki timestamps stored in? Meeting Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What tool does TiddlyWiki's editor provide to help you remember wikitext syntax? Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What troubleshooting technique helps you to identify places where you believe your wikitext does one thing, but it actually does something else? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What two attributes of the $button widget do you use to make the button set a tiddler field to a value? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What two data attributes does TiddlyWiki add to the HTML elements of tiddlers rendered in the story river? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What two fields can you populate on a tagged tiddler A (rather than a tagging tiddler T) to influence where A comes in the list of T? Ordering Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What two fields must you set on a tiddler containing a JavaScript macro to make it visible to TiddlyWiki? JavaScript Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What two restrictions are placed on the names of custom widgets? Custom Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What two widgets can be used to display any content only if a condition is true? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What type of editor shows a description of how the text should be formatted, rather than a visual representation of that formatting? Wikitext no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What type of relationship is expressed by a TiddlyWiki tag? Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What unusual syntax does the tiddlywiki CLI have? Writing Shell Scripts Against a TiddlyWiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What variable transclusion is equivalent to the field transclusion {{!!title}}? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What web browser feature can you use to inspect the HTML of a specific element within TiddlyWiki? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget allows us to call the original (not overridden) version of a widget we are overriding? Overriding Built-In Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget allows you to create a drop-down menu? Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget allows you to set any number of variables to new values? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget can be used to prevent the result of a filter transclusion from becoming a link? Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget can be used to wikify text and store the result in a variable, rather than waiting until it appears directly within the body of a tiddler? Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget can you use to assist with displaying the values of variables in the middle of complicated wikitext? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget displays the number of tiddlers that match a filter? Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is specifically designed to allow you to set the current tiddler? Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is the most concise and idiomatic way to change the current tiddler? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is used for displaying a date stored as a timestamp in a field of a tiddler in a user-friendly date format? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is used to call a function in modern TiddlyWiki? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is used to call a procedure in modern TiddlyWiki? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is used to create a button? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget is used to create a text box? Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget would you use to sequentially display each of the outputs of a filter? Your First Dynamic List no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What widget, with name and value attributes, can be used to set a single variable (only) to an arbitrary value? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax can you use to apply the class my-favorite-class to a block of wikitext? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax can you use to apply the style attribute text-align: center to a block of wikitext? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax can you use to refer to the value of a parameter myparameter of a macro without doing text substitution? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax displays a table of contents that displays tiddlers in a collapsable and expandable hierarchy, beginning from the tiddler My Start Tiddler? Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax displays a table of contents that shows all tiddlers in a non-expandable hierarchy, beginning at the tiddler TableOfContents? Creating Hierarchies with a Table of Contents no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax would you use to call a procedure named showRedText with a parameter text set to the value of the warning field of the current tiddler? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax would you use to display an image hosted on the web at within a tiddler in your wiki? (Do not make the image itself a tiddler in your wiki.) Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax would you use to display an image stored in the tiddler image.png, with a maximum width of 350 pixels? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax would you use to transclude the description field of the current tiddler? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What wikitext syntax would you use to transclude the contents of the author field of the Book 2 tiddler? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What word should be avoided to make your tiddler titles sharper? Tiddler Titles no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What's different about the result of calling a function using <<variable transclusion syntax>> and calling it from within a filter? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What's the purpose of extracting part of a filter expression into a function? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What's the syntax to text-substitute a parameter myparameter into the body of a macro? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What's this kind of attribute value, delimited by backticks, called? <a href=`$(wpLink)$/Aardvark`>Aardvarks</a> Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit What's wrong with this syntax? <% if "[<storyTiddler>match[When Pigs Fly]]" %> Conditional Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When a shadow tiddler is ignored because a normal tiddler by the same name also exists in the wiki, the shadow tiddler is said to be {overridden}. Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When a text box is allowing the user to edit the value of a specific tiddler field, we say that the text box is {bound} to the field. Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When a transclusion is included directly in the body of a tiddler, how many times does TiddlyWiki try to wikify it? Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When a transclusion is used as an HTML or widget attribute, how many times does TiddlyWiki try to wikify it? Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When a variable ceases to be accessible at a closing </$set> tag, the variable is said to have gone {out of scope}. Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When creating a template, how can you change the markup !! Section Name to ensure that Section Name will never merge into a paragraph rather than creating a section heading? The View Template no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When does a procedure defined at the top of a tiddler go out of scope? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When overriding a built-in widget, why should you start by scoping your override to a single tiddler? Overriding Built-In Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When rendering each tab in a tabs call, what does TiddlyWiki unexpectedly not do? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When rendering each tab in a tabs call, what variable contains the title of the tiddler being rendered? Tabs no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When the filter attribute is used to make a $set widget conditional, what attribute contains the value to be used if the filter returns at least one result? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When the filter attribute is used to make a $set widget conditional, what attribute contains the value to be used if the filter returns no results? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When the same tiddler appears in the output of multiple consecutive filter runs, what concept does TiddlyWiki use to determine where the tiddler should be listed? Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When tiddlers gather together lists of other tiddlers that meet some criteria, they act like {sentences} (language metaphor). Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When tiddlers modify the way other tiddlers are displayed, they act like {lenses} (object in the physical world). Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When tiddlers perform actions on other tiddlers, they act like {machines} (object in the physical world). Slicing Up Content no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When viewing a tiddler, where can you look to find a list of its backlinks in stock TiddlyWiki? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When viewing a tiddler, where can you look to find a list of its fields in stock TiddlyWiki? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When would you need to use a $transclude widget rather than the <<double-angle-bracket>> wikitext syntax? The Finer Points of Procedures no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you are editing a tiddler and realize that a portion of its contents should be split into its own tiddler, what operation would you use? Meeting Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you begin editing a tiddler, what kind of new tiddler is created? Browsing Your Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you call a function, what action does TiddlyWiki take, different from what it does when calling a procedure? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you create a dynamic list that is populated by a filter, what must you do to update the list to match changes in the wiki? Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you define a variable using a $set or $letwidget, the variable's value ceases to be accessible at what point in your wikitext? Variables no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you nest procedures, what do you have to change in the syntax of your \procedure pragmas? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you transclude a tiddler without supplying a field name, like {{IncludedTiddler}}, what field is transcluded? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit When you trigger a message, any widgets that are {higher up the widget tree} from the action are given the opportunity to respond to the message. Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where can you find a list of all plugins in your wiki? Plugins no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where do you find the option to open your web browser's HTML inspector? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where in a tiddler's interface can you look to see what differences it has to its corresponding shadow tiddler (if it has one)? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where in the sidebar can you choose which tools appear on the page toolbar? The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where in TiddlyWiki can you quickly find a list of the default icons? Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where in TiddlyWiki would you click to hide the sidebar if you wanted more horizontal space? The TiddlyWiki Interface no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Where in TiddlyWiki's stock interface can you find a list of missing tiddlers? Knowledge Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Which fields of a tiddler does the main search box look in? Searching no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Which of the following characters is a backslash, and which is a forward slash? / \ HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Which two characters do we often choose to separate name prefixes from the rest of a name in TiddlyWiki? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit While TiddlyWiki is doing text substitution, it stops processing {wikitext markup}. Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why are data tiddlers likely a poor choice for storing the email addresses of contacts? Data Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why are fields a higher-effort method of relating tiddlers than tags? Project Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why are procedures usually safer to use than macros? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why are side effects in JavaScript macros dangerous? JavaScript Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why can upgrading a plugin that contains a shadow tiddler you have overridden cause problems with your wiki? Shadow Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why can we not add extra behavior to a built-in widget by simply using that widget within an overriding custom widget? Overriding Built-In Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why do we usually use wikitext instead of HTML to write tiddlers? HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does breaking up information into tiddlers make our notes and our thoughts more flexible? Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does listing related tiddlers in a field, such as participants, provide more information to TiddlyWiki than linking to them in a tiddler's text? Meeting Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does the $reveal widget lead to incorrectly formatted output in some contexts? Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does the filter expression [!is[system] backlinks[]] not retrieve a list of tiddlers that link to other non-system tiddlers? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does the filter expression [tag[Contact] not work? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does the filter expression tag[Contact] not work? Using Filter Expressions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does this method of including a parameter in a wikitext link work in a macro, while it would not in a procedure? [[$articleName$|$articleName$]] Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why does this syntax not produce a usable link? [[Wikipedia|<<wp>>]] Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why doesn't this syntax yield a working link? <a href=<<wpBase>>"/Aardvark"> Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is Apple likely a problematic title for a tiddler? Tiddler Titles no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is Camel2Camel not in CamelCase? CamelCase no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is camelCaseWord not in CamelCase? CamelCase no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is any text behind transclusions not considered when searching the contents of tiddlers? Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is creating too many general-purpose tags problematic? Knowledge Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is full-text search insufficient to find notes that are not stored in a relevant retrieval context? (reason relating to scale) Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is including too many images or other attachments in a single-file TiddlyWiki problematic? Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it a good idea to link to a contact tiddler when mentioning that person in your work notes, even if you are unlikely to want to jump to that tiddler? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it a good idea to list a time of noon on timestamps if you care only about the date? Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it particularly helpful to include important keywords in the title of your tiddlers? Searching no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it sometimes helpful to add an <% else %> clause to a chain of conditional expressions even if you think you have covered all conditions? Functions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it usually better to use a $select widget than a $radio widget to select from a list of options matching a filter when you don't know how many items may be found by the filter? Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it usually better to write <<__myparameter__>> rather than $myparameter$ within a macro, if it would have the same effect? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it usually preferable to pass information to macros using parameters rather than defining variables and referring to them within the macro? Macros no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it valuable to make all tiddler names that represent nouns singular, or all of them plural? Naming Conventions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is it valuable to relate a new note to as many relevant things as possible? Use the concept of a retrieval context. Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is the TiddlyWiki CLI command tiddlywiki --load SOURCE_WIKI a no-op? Writing Shell Scripts Against a TiddlyWiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why is this potentially more useful written as a function than as a procedure? \function now-timestamp() [<now [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX>] Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why might a search for lemons not find a tiddler which has an ingredients field containing the word lemons? Searching no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why might a template tiddler display errors when you look at it in the story river? Templates and the Current Tiddler no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why might you choose not to link to a person's contact tiddler in some notes, even if you were mentioning them? Contact Tiddlers no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why might you choose not to use the text/css content type for a tiddler containing CSS? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why might you choose to separate information in a tiddler into multiple fields, rather than placing it all in the text field? Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why not put all names in the global scope? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why should you (almost) always use a class name with any CSS that you intend to apply only to a single tiddler? Stylesheets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why should you avoid making all your notes into evergreen notes? Creating Evergreen Notes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why should you consider moving information that is of long-term importance out of your meeting notes into some other location after a meeting? Structuring Our Wiki no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why should you consider prefixing names that you put in the global scope with your initials or wiki name? Much More Than You Wanted to Know About Scopes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why should you split complicated problems into multiple chunks and solve each chunk by itself? When Things Go Wrong no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why use a slot rather than a parameter? Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Why will this snippet fail to place "test text" in the wikitext variable?
\procedure myText(text) Text: <<text>>
<$wikify name="wikitext" text=<<myText "test text">>>...
Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Widgets are a TiddlyWiki extension to what language? Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Wikification is the process of taking wikitext and turning it into {HTML} for display. Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Wikitext is almost a perfect {superset} of HTML (mathematics term). HTML no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit With a single filter run, you can only find tiddlers that match {all of} a set of conditions. Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Within a substituted attribute value, what syntax do you use to refer to the variable bling? Using Variables as Attributes no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Within the content of a $list widget, what placeholder represents the output of the filter that is currently being processed (by default)? Your First Dynamic List no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $count widget to describe how many tiddlers have the tag Contact. Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $list widget that displays its contents only if the text field of the tiddler $:/config/MyConfigTiddler is set to the exact value yes. Use only hard parameters (no transclusions). Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $radio widget that sets the value of the color field of the current tiddler to teal. The label on the button should say “Teal”. Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $select widget that allows you to choose from all items with the tag Ingredient, placing the value of the selected ingredient's title field inside the selection field of the current tiddler. The text of each drop-down selection should be the caption field of the ingredient. Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $set widget that sets the variable hasContacts to yes if at least one tiddler in the wiki is tagged Contact, to no otherwise. Hiding and Showing Things no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $tiddler widget with content that transcludes the tiddler specified in the myTiddler variable through the Example Template tiddler. Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $view widget to display the four-digit year in which the current tiddler was last modified. Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a $wikify widget call that wikifies the LotsOfWikitext tiddler and places the result in a variable called w. Wikification no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a call to the now macro that displays the current four-digit year. Working with Dates no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that displays the backlinks of the current tiddler. Do not use any field or variable transclusions. Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that finds all tiddlers that are either tagged Contact or contain the word JaneDoe in their text field. The list should be sorted alphabetically. Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that finds all tiddlers that link to the tiddler LinkTarget. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that finds the number of tiddlers in the wiki which do not have a field called caption, or have one with no text in it. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that outputs all tiddlers with the Contact tag, sorted alphabetically by their email field. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that outputs the first 100 characters of the wikitext in the description field of the current tiddler as a single output tiddler. Creating a List of Links and Backlinks no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that shows all tiddlers that are tagged Journal or Meeting. Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression that shows all tiddlers that are tagged Journal, but do not both contain the word fudge in their text field and have the tag Meeting (having one of the latter two conditions is OK). Multi-Run Filters no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter expression with two steps that outputs the value of the description field on the tiddler named Awesome Tiddler. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter run that finds all contacts whose phone number contains the number 1234. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter step that finds all tiddlers which have a field firstname set to the exact value Margaret. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter step that finds all tiddlers which have a field has set to the exact value money. Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter step that finds all tiddlers which have a list field family containing the tiddler Tom Swift (and possibly other tiddlers). Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter to find all tiddlers tagged with a tag that uses the icon $:/core/images/tag-button. Classifying Tags no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter to find all tiddlers whose parent field is set to the title of the current tiddler. Use a field transclusion. Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter to find all tiddlers whose parent field is set to the title of the current tiddler. Use a variable transclusion. Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a filter transclusion to display the number of links to unique tiddlers contained in the tiddler LinkBonanza. Filters and Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write a widget that retrieves the contents of a slot named statement. Parameterizing Field Transclusions no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write an option HTML element which displays the text “An Excellent Choice” and places the text excellent in its $select widget's bound field. Miscellaneous Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write wikitext for an $action-sendmessage widget that creates a new tiddler called NewT tagged with the same tags as the current tiddler and opens it for editing. Creating Tiddlers With Predefined Fields no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write wikitext to display a button that sets the target field of the current tiddler to the value currently stored in the text field of the $:/temp/NewTarget tiddler. The button text should be "Reset Target". Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write wikitext to display a button that takes the user to the tiddler referenced in the target field of the Linky tiddler when clicked. The button text should be “Linky Target”. Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit Write wikitext to display a single-line textbox which is bound to the description field of the tiddler whose name is stored in the describedTiddler variable. Buttons and Input Widgets no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit You can store a tiddler's content (such as an image) in a file outside your TiddlyWiki by setting the tiddler's {_canonical_uri} field to the path to that file. Images and Attachments no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit You cannot start a new paragraph or insert vertical space within {inline} mode. Block Mode and Inline Mode no (new) (new) 0 (new)
edit You need to use tagging[] instead of tag[] when you don't know what at the time you write the filter? Common Filter Operators no (new) (new) 0 (new)