This is a stripped-down version of a single section of Grok TiddlyWiki, optimized for fast loading and readability by search engines. Some features are missing.

For the full Grok TiddlyWiki experience, please visit the wiki version of this page.

Support Us

16th October 2024 at 8:34pm

If you've made it this far in Grok TiddlyWiki and expect to continue using and enjoying TiddlyWiki, please consider contributing financially to or helping out with the GTW and/or TiddlyWiki projects. Such open-source projects thrive when a wide variety of people get involved. Here are some options.

For GTW:

  • Donate to the Grok TiddlyWiki project to support me in keeping this book up to date.
  • Provide feedback on the book. In addition to using the send feedback link at the bottom of any section to provide targeted feedback on that section, you can send general thoughts on how the book has worked for you to

For TiddlyWiki itself:

  • Become a contributor to the TiddlyWiki organization or fund an ongoing project on OpenCollective. Such contributions help keep the project running smoothly, and they also give you a small stake in the community (if you fund a feature, for instance, your take on that feature will be prioritized).
  • Share your new expertise on the TiddlyWiki forums.
  • Share TiddlyWiki tools you create as plugins (see Creating Plugins) or, if you know some JavaScript, help out with the core development of TiddlyWiki.
  • Share TiddlyWiki with your friends. The more users we have, the stronger and healthier the community.

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