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Text Substitution

21st May 2021 at 3:28pm

We need to circle back around to answer a perplexing question from earlier. In an exercise in the Transclusions section, this didn't work:

{{ {{!!manager}}!!phone }}

Yet this did:

\define getPhone(person)

<$macrocall $name="getPhone" person={{!!manager}}/>

What's up with that? At first glance, these snippets appear to be doing exactly the same thing.

This is one of the most confusing aspects of TiddlyWiki (some might say the most confusing), and it can sometimes trip up even veteran users. Fortunately, there is a reasonable explanation, albeit an obscure one, and once you understand the explanation you'll be able to tell what will work and what won't without having to try it.

Text substitution

It turns out that there's something entirely different about macros as compared to any other part of wikitext: Macros have their parameters replaced by text substitution (elsewhere you may see this called textual substitution or just substitution; we will use the term text substitution throughout this book). This is an extremely simple and dumb mechanism: TiddlyWiki simply takes the text that was provided in the parameter and dumps it into the body of the macro where the placeholder value was. While it's doing this, it completely stops understanding wikitext – it only worries about replacing the placeholders.

To see how this works and how it differs from using variables or transclusions outside of macros, let's define an example macro that prints some text if a person attended a meeting:

\define participantInMeeting(meeting, name)
<$list filter="[title[$meeting$]contains:participants[$name$]]">
  The participant was in the meeting.

If we call this macro as <<participantInMeeting EmployeeProfileSetupMeeting JaneDoe>>, we'll get The participant was in the meeting. If we instead call it as <<participantInMeeting EmployeeProfileSetupMeeting JoeSchmoe>>, we'll get nothing at all.

Notice that we're using the $list widget in a clever way we haven't seen yet: to display some wikitext only if some condition is met. We know the filter will have either one result, namely the title of the meeting (if the participant was in the meeting), in which case the contents of the list widget will get displayed once, or zero results (if the participant was not in the meeting), in which case the contents of the list widget will not be displayed at all. We don't care exactly what the output of the filter is, only whether there was any.

Here's how this relates to text substitution. Suppose we call the macro thus:

<<participantInMeeting "EmployeeProfileSetupMeeting" "]][[SomeRandomGuy">>

]][[SomeRandomGuy is a pretty weird name for a person (see Bobby Tables), but this causes the filter to become:


We then see The participant was in the meeting. – but ]][[SomeRandomGuy is not part of the participants field! (We created a second filter run – a new set of outer [square brackets] – for SomeRandomGuy, so that no matter what the output of the first filter run was, SomeRandomGuy would also be part of the output. We'll see more on multiple filter runs soon.)

In contrast, if we use variable references inside the filter, we don't see the message:

<$set name=participant value="]][[SomeRandomGuy">
<$set name=meetingTitle value="EmployeeProfileSetupMeeting">
<$list filter="[title<meetingTitle>contains:participants<participant>]">
  The participant was in the meeting.

In this case, the participant variable can have as many weird characters in it as we want, and we still get the correct result. That's because this time, TiddlyWiki has more smarts: looking at the filter, it sees instructions that the value of the variable participant should be matched against a field, so as it checks this, it won't be wondering if there's a filter operator inside participant. It looks at the value of the variable separately from the text of the filter expression as it figures out what to do.

Why doesn't it know that when we use a macro? Well, when we call a macro, TiddlyWiki first goes in and replaces all of the values with the parameters of the macro via text substitution, then in an entirely separate step it starts deciding how to render the wikitext that comes out of the macro (in this case, as part of a $list widget). By the time it gets to evaluating the filter in the $list widget, it only has a single chunk of wikitext, and it has no way of telling whether the ]] was originally part of a macro parameter (and thus intended to be matched to a value in the participants field) or whether it was part of the macro body (and thus intended to mark the end of the filter run).

Clear as mud? Let's work through an example, discussing the steps that TiddlyWiki takes as it renders.

When you want text substitution

Although the simplicity and context-blindness of text substitution can cause problems, much of the time it's actually helpful. We saw earlier that this doesn't return the manager's phone number:

{{ {{!!manager}}!!phone }}

Specifically, this doesn't work because TiddlyWiki doesn't process wikitext within the {{ outer curly braces }}. Even if it did, what TiddlyWiki would see after it processed the inner {{!!manager}} would be three different chunks: {{ , ChrisSmith, and !!phone }}.

But this does work:

\define getPhone(person)

<$macrocall $name="getPhone" person={{!!manager}} />

Let's walk through the steps TiddlyWiki takes to render this to understand why this one works.

  1. When TiddlyWiki reaches the $macrocall widget, it goes to expand the macro. As it does this, it first looks up {{!!manager}} to get the value of the parameter person to pass to the macro. The value is ChrisSmith (or whoever the manager of the person represented by the current tiddler is), so this value is passed into the macro.
  2. TiddlyWiki performs a text substitution operation on the body of the macro using this parameter value, dumping the value ChrisSmith into the macro body in place of the $person$ placeholder. The result of this substitution is the single chunk of wikitext {{ChrisSmith!!phone}}. This expansion replaces the $macrocall widget.
  3. Now that the macro is expanded, TiddlyWiki starts parsing the output of that macro as wikitext, sees the transclusion chunk {{ChrisSmith!!phone}}, and replaces that with the value of the phone field. (If the phone field contained further transclusions, TiddlyWiki would repeat this step again.)

In other words, text substitution resulted in a single chunk of valid wikitext, which meant TiddlyWiki could understand what we were asking for.

When you don't want text substitution

If you don't need text substitution in a macro, you can use a different placeholder syntax, <<__parameter__>>, and avoid the possibility of bad effects. If you have the option to do this, you usually should.

In all of our examples so far in this section, we have needed text substitution. Here's a modified participantInMeeting macro where we wouldn't need it:

\define inMeetingIfFilterTrue(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$">
  The participant was in the meeting.

<<inMeetingIfFilterTrue "[title[EmployeeProfileSetupMeeting]contains:participants[JaneDoe]]">>

This could land us in trouble, for example, if we passed in a filter that contained a double quote. Instead, we can do it this way:

\define inMeetingIfFilterTrue(filter)
<$list filter=<<__filter__>>>
  The participant was in the meeting.

This works just like standard variable transclusions using the <<variable>> syntax in every way, except that by adding the extra double underscores, the reference is to a parameter of the macro rather than a variable.


Exercise: (m) [Ex:BypassSecurityWithTextSubstitution]

Suppose that the following macro is being used to validate whether the user is authorized to access something:

\define checkAuthorization(password)
<$list filter="[[$password$]match{$:/config/SecretPasswordExample}]">
  The user is authorized.

<<checkAuthorization "">>

Without looking up the password, figure out what you can fill in between the quotation marks in the macro call to bypass the password check. Check your answer by editing the live example above.

go to answer

Exercise: (s) [Ex:PreserveSecurityWithTextSubstitution]

Change the filter in Ex:BypassSecurityWithTextSubstitution so that it is not vulnerable to this kind of manipulation. (Of course, the user could still just edit the tiddler and remove the authentication altogether. TiddlyWiki is not a suitable environment when users need to have limited access.)

go to answer

Exercise: (m) [Ex:SubstitutionBackporting]

Go back through some of the macros you have written for previous exercises in this chapter and see if you can find any opportunities to switch from text substitution to <<__parameter-transclusion__>>.

Tip: Try searching for the word define to find tiddlers that contain macro definitions.

go to answer


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↑ 4: Variables, Macros, and Transclusions