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16th October 2024 at 8:21pm

Transclusions of fields, variables, procedures, functions, and macros are an essential part of TiddlyWiki. Here's the standard syntax for including bits and pieces from other places in a tiddler.

See Updated Summary of Transclusion Syntax for a more detailed treatment.

Transclude the text field of a tiddler


Here is some text to be transcluded.

Here is some text to be transcluded.

Transclude a specific field of a tiddler, here caption


Include me please!

Transclude an index from a data tiddler (The Metadata tiddler contains details about Grok TiddlyWiki like its version number and project URL.)

//Grok TiddlyWiki// version {{Metadata##version}}

Grok TiddlyWiki version 2.0.1

Transclude a tiddler through a template


Here is some text to be transcluded.

Transclude the current tiddler through a template


The caption of the current tiddler is “Transclude the current tiddler through a template”.

Transclude a tiddler with parameters

(This one can't be shown as a live example because the live example code loses the parameters before they can be passed on.)

Transclude the result of a filter

{{{ [all[tiddlers+shadows]!is[system]tag[Template]] }}}

Transclude the result of a filter through a template

{{{ [all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[Exercise]first[]] || Sn:BoldfaceTemplate }}}

Place the ContactInformationTemplate on all of the contacts in your wiki.

(You may be wondering if there's a way to avoid even the repetition of adding the reference to the template to all your tiddlers. The answer is yes, and we'll be getting there in a couple chapters.)

Transclude the value of a variable

<$let myvariable="Hello!">


Call a procedure

\procedure myproc(myName) Hi <<myName>>!

<<myproc Soren>>

Hi Soren!

Transclude the result of the first item in a filter expression returned by a function

\function add.numLetters(myName) [<myName>split[]count[]addsuffix[ letters)]addprefix[ (]addprefix<myName>]

<<add.numLetters "Alice">>

Alice (5 letters)

Call a function within a filter expression using the function operator

\function add.numLetters(myName) [<myName>split[]count[]addsuffix[ letters)]addprefix[ (]addprefix<myName>]

{{{ [function[add.numLetters],[Bob]] }}}

Call a function within a filter expression as an operator (requires the function to have a . in its name)

\function add.numLetters(myName) [<myName>split[]count[]addsuffix[ letters)]addprefix[ (]addprefix<myName>]

{{{ [add.numLetters[Charlie]] }}}

Call a macro (transcluding its result), treating its parameter as a variable

\define mymacro(myName) Hi <<__myName__>>!

<<mymacro Soren>>

Hi Soren!

Call a macro (transcluding its result), using its parameter in text substitution

\define mymacro(myName) Hi $myName$!

<<mymacro Soren>>

Hi Soren!

Include the value of a variable in a macro via text substitution

\define wikipediaLink()$(articleName)$

<$let articleName="TiddlyWiki">