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20th March 2021 at 9:52am

Bulleted (unordered) lists:

* first item
* second item
** subitems use
** a second star
*** you
**** can
***** go
****** as deep as you like
* third item

  • first item
  • second item
    • subitems use
    • a second star
      • you
        • can
          • go
            • as deep as you like
  • third item

Numbered (ordered) lists:

# one
# two
# three
## three and a half
## three and three-quarters

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
    1. three and a half
    2. three and three-quarters

Bulleted and numbered lists can be combined:

# Collect the following items:
#* cell phone
#* wallet
#* keys
#* notebook and pen
# Leave your house, locking the door behind you.

  1. Collect the following items:
    • cell phone
    • wallet
    • keys
    • notebook and pen
  2. Leave your house, locking the door behind you.

To nest multiple lines of HTML within a wikitext list, for instance to include multiple paragraphs or other complicated content within a single list item, you can open a <div> at the end of a list element:

* First item
* Second item <div>

  <p>Here's a second paragraph.</p>
  <p>Here's a third paragraph.</p>

* Third item

  • First item
  • Second item

    Here's a second paragraph.

    Here's a third paragraph.

  • Third item

Definition lists:

; First term
: Here we would define the first term. The definition might be quite long, like this one, which we are making much longer than necessary to demonstrate a point, and if it is it will wrap onto the next line, maintaining its indentation.

; Second term
: Second definition.

First term
Here we would define the first term. The definition might be quite long, like this one, which we are making much longer than necessary to demonstrate a point, and if it is it will wrap onto the next line, maintaining its indentation.
Second term
Second definition.