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30th September 2024 at 9:10pm

The most obvious approach is to use a conditional expression. In this example, we set the variable holiday so we don't have to write the same filter twice, but you could also use a function, or simply run it twice (it won't be much slower, just uglier):

  formattedToday=<<now "0MM/0DD">>
  holiday={{{ [[UsHolidays]getindex<formattedToday>] }}}

<% if [<holiday>!is[blank]] %>

  It's ''<<holiday>>'' today!

<% else %>

  Sadly, it's a very ordinary day today.

<% endif %>


Sadly, it's a very ordinary day today.

However, a more concise approach is to use the $list widget with the emptyMessage parameter, which is rendered if the filter returns no results:

<$list filter="""[[UsHolidays]getindex<now "0MM/0DD">]""" emptyMessage="Sadly, it's a very ordinary day today.">
  It's ''<<currentTiddler>>'' today!

Sadly, it's a very ordinary day today.

Go to question: Ex:VeryOrdinaryDay