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3rd June 2020 at 4:02pm
  • We could write "Jane Doe's manager is ChrisSmith" in Jane's tiddler.
    • Advantages: Simple and straightforward.
    • Disadvantages: The only thing TiddlyWiki will know about the relationship between Jane and Chris is that they are linked. It doesn't know Chris is Jane's manager.
  • We could link to the person's manager within the body text, and then tag the manager Manager.
    • Advantages: Similarly easy to create. But this time, TiddlyWiki has a vague conception that Chris is Jane's manager that we can query for.
    • Disadvantages: The relationship we've defined is really that "Jane is linked to Chris, who is a manager." A manager is unlikely to directly manage all other employees of the company unless it's a very small company. Thus, if we refer to the manager in the tiddler of a contact who is not a direct report, it will look like they are a direct report.
  • We could tag Jane Doe with a ChrisSmith tag.
    • Advantages: Easy and most semantically accurate of these alternatives. As we'll see in a future chapter, we can automatically create a hierarchical ("table of contents") view of managers and their employees.
    • Disadvantages: Creates a lot of extra tags. TiddlyWiki understands the relationship to be something like "Jane is a member of Chris['s team]," which is more precise than a link but less precise than a "manager" field.
Go to question: Ex:ManagerField