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 31st August 2024 at 11:38pm

Here's my version:

\function .firstnchars(n) [split[]first<n>join[]]
\function phone.area-code() [.firstnchars[3]]

\function .is-toll-free() [phone.area-code[]] :intersection[enlist{TollFreeAreaCodes}]
\function .is-local() [phone.area-code[]match{CurrentAreaCode}]

\function phone.toll-free(number) [<number>] :filter[.is-toll-free[]]
\function phone.local(number) [<number>] :filter[.is-local[]]
\function phone.long-distance(number) [!phone.local<number>!phone.toll-free<number>then<number>]

\procedure call-type()
  <% if [phone.local{!!phone}] %>
  <% elseif [phone.toll-free{!!phone}] %>
  <% elseif [phone.long-distance{!!phone}] %>
  <% else %>
  <% endif %>

This is a drop-in replacement – the <<call-type>> procedure call will continue to operate as before.

A few things to notice:

  • We added .firstnchars and phone.area-code functions to avoid unnecessary duplication and make the logic easier to read.
  • We have an <% else %> clause which, if we wrote the wikitext correctly, will never be used. Because most of us unfortunately do not write perfect logic every time, this is a useful way of validating our assumptions (here, that if a phone number is not local or toll-free, it is long-distance). Should this assumption ever prove untrue, perhaps because there's a mistake in our definition of “long-distance,” we'll see a message INVALID PHONE NUMBER TYPE on the template instead of a blank space, making both the fact that something is wrong and exactly where the issue is coming from abundantly clear. In general, obvious errors should be preferred to silence – if the error is hidden, it's much harder to find the mistake, and you might not notice it at all until you make faulty decisions based on wrong information!
Go to question: Ex:LocalCallFunctions