This is a stripped-down version of a single section of Grok TiddlyWiki, optimized for fast loading and readability by search engines. Some features are missing.

For the full Grok TiddlyWiki experience, please visit the wiki version of this page.


9th April 2021 at 4:50pm
<$set name="wikipedia" value="">
    <a href={{{ [<wikipedia>addsuffix[Aardvark]] }}}>Aardvark</a>

Depending on the palette you have selected, you may notice that the link is a different color than is usual in your wiki. If this bothers you, add the attribute class="tc-tiddlylink-external" to the <a> tag, which will tell TiddlyWiki to use the same styling that it would if you created an external link with [[double square brackets]].

Go to question: Ex:WikipediaLinkWithoutMacro